About Us

T&T Pump Company Inc. has manufactured pumps in our 50,000 square foot facility since 1964. Within that time, we have become recognized worldwide as an industry leader, with one of the largest lines of multistage centrifugal booster pumps available today. When you purchase a T & T pump, you are buying over 50 years of experience in our field of expertise. We have focused our knowledge to provide a new industry standard for Booster Pumps for Reverse Osmosis water purification. We also offer 316 stainless steel Electro Polished with a wide range of mechanical seal configurations for the Saltwater Desalinization industry. At T & T, the manufacturing process begins with state of the art design, manufacturing, and quality control, and follows through with stringent testing standards that we demand of each pump that ships out of our plant. Every step is backed by our experience and in-depth knowledge in the manufacturing of High-Pressure Booster Pumps. We utilize local foundries and suppliers to assure a good working relationship with our vendors.
Why do the largest water purification companies look to T & T for their pumping needs? Simply stated, we build pumps. At T & T Pump Co., we are a focused manufacturing facility intent on delivering clear solutions to common and out of the ordinary water problems. We provide you with a commitment to excellence in client partnership, and dedication to the performance of our equipment. This allows us to form long term, lasting relationships with our customers.
Our Mission

At T & T we see a demand for a line of pumps that can cover the 5gpm system to the 500gpm system and beyond. We can provide three complete product lines, in two different configurations, each with a choice of models to meet a full range of water treatment needs. With the fastest growing line of pumps in the High-Pressure Booster market, we will be able to provide the solutions you’re looking for. Our pumps range from ½ to 500 hp with flows and pressures of 1,400gpm and up to 1,000psi. With our engineered to order pumps, we provide our customers with a pump to fit their performance, not a performance that fits our pump demand for a line of pumps that can cover the 5gpm system to the 500gpm system and beyond. We can provide three complete product lines, in two different configurations, each with a choice of models to meet a full range of water treatment needs. With the fastest growing line of pumps in the High-Pressure Booster market, we will be able to provide the solutions you’re looking for. Our pumps range from ½ to 500 hp with flows and pressures of 1,400gpm and up to 1,000psi. With our engineered to order pumps, we provide our customers with a pump to fit their performance, not a performance that fits our pump.
Our Pumps
Our commitment to product technology allows us to manufacture all Multistage Booster Pumps in our unique Submersible Modular Booster, Horizontal bearing frame booster, and Vertical booster configurations. We manufacture every pump with components that are consistent with high performance and reliability. These include some models with all 316 stainless steel wetted parts, high-quality investment castings, reliable mechanical seals and bearings, as well as high-efficiency reliable motors. Through SRC technology and serviceability we believe T & T Pump is truly “The Clear Choice.”
Our People

People are the backbone of T & T, and we utilize the solid West Virginia workforce to help pursue our commitment to dedication and quality. The pump manufacturing team that we have assembled realizes that they are an integral part of a successful operation, and continually strive for excellence. Our manufacturing management personnel have over 125 years of combined experience and T & T Pump Company staff provides a customer technical support program unmatched in the pumping industry. At T & T customer service is priority one.

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